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Records Retention is the holding (period) of records/documents for further use. A record may be any document containing information. Records Management is a CASBO Records Retention Manual 6th Edition Page 25 4 Years. Permanent. SDE-1002. Final Audit. **CASBO Records Retention Manual 6th Edition Page 27Note: The retentions listed in the CASBO Retention Manual are minimum 16-006 Records Retention.pdf 2.86 MB (Last Modified on August 18, 2017). before in developing the original CASBO Records Retention Manual, and to all those who responded to our many inquiries. Special recognition is given to We also appreciate the efforts and guidance provided by others who went before in developing the original CASSO Records Retention Manual, and to all those Please use the following resources to determine how to classify a record and assign a retention period. ? CASBO Records Retention Manual – 2015, 6th Edition. Class 2 -Optional Records. Class 3 -Disposable Records. - - Feasibility to Microfilm at District Discretion. **If Imaged**. Records Retention Manual 26
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